New Moon in Capricorn on January 4, 2011
The new moon phase represents a time for new seeds to be planted, a time to create new beginnings and new goals. It is also a time when we may be asked by the Universe to shift course or change directions.
On Tuesday, January 4th 2011 the new moon will be at 13° 39” Capricorn. This is a great time to work on setting long range goals for the year. It is also a wonderful time to create realistic New Year resolutions. Since Capricorn is all about realistic and tangible results, our new year resolutions should be structured with that in mind. Long term goals such as maintaining a savings account; creating a new, realistic budget; going back to school; working on time management skills, and restructuring areas in our careers and relationships are particularly favorable at this time.
This new moon is asking us to be realistic, responsible and practical. To look at where we stand in our lives and determine if there needs to be a change of direction. And if that’s the case to create concrete, practical action steps to begin the journey ahead. This new moon may also show us where we have restricted ourselves from becoming what we can and are ready to become…as Capricorn is also a sign of maturity. This is also a time to focus on fundamental structures in our personal and professional lives, and become responsible and conscious of our actions. Our hearts and minds are asked to be sensible and responsible. We are asked to determine what practical steps we need to take to achieve our goals, and we are asked to take those steps to achieve our hearts desires in a pragmatic manner that is organized and well-planned.
For more information about how this new moon will influence your astrological chart, please visit my website to arrange an in-person, telephone/skype or email reading.
Exercise for this New Moon:
Write down 3 long-range goals for each of the following categories. Remember to be practical, specific and realistic:
Love Life/Family Life
Spiritual Life/Relationship to Self
Then write down practical steps you can take daily/weekly to manifest each goal. Example: If your long-range goal is to lose weight…write down how much weight you want to lose and what you are willing to do each week to accomplish that, perhaps is cutting down on junk food and sodas and/or walking 10 minutes a day. Whatever your goal is…remember it is long term goal and will require patience, persistence, determination and focus. I wish the best of luck and blessings on this new moon.
Many Blessings,
Ana Maria
Ana Maria
©2010-2011 Ana Maria Pineda. All rights reserved.
For more information about what I do and how you can get a private reading and/or healing, please visit my website at