The new moon in Capricorn brought the invitation to take responsibility for your life and create long range goals. The new moon in Aquarius challenges us to look at our future and the bigger picture, and to ask important questions: What are my unique gifts and talents? And how can I manifest them and share them with the world?
Our wishes and dreams into focus, perhaps even our incomplete New Year resolutions, as we receive a boost of energy which inspires us to make the necessary changes now. This is a great time to explore your life situations through seeing the bigger picture and approaching your life more objectively. Dare to be different and think outside of the box. Explore your uniqueness and dare to manifest change in your life.
Also, this moon brings new friendship connections, opportunity for ease in relationships with friends and acquaintances, and an invitation to develop a friendlier approach to the people around you. This is a wonderful time to meet new and very different, exciting people and to explore new group settings that challenge you to grow and expand your way of thinking.
A deep sense of a need for radical change and spiritual revolution will awaken within you with this new moon. Your sense of who you are and what makes you unique from others will be highlighted. The focus of this moon will be around the need to recognize your individual gifts and talents and to manifest those gifts in your life, as you attract people of like mind who will support the new you.
Exercise for this New Moon:
Soul Brainstorming exercise: Answer the following questions for your own self-awareness.
What have I always loved to do? What am I naturally good at?
What makes me unique? What have others noticed about me that makes me unique and individual?
What was I good at when I was a child? What made unique from the rest of the children around me?
How can I explore my unique talents/gifts? What holds me back from exploring them? And how can I share my gifts with others?
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