Angel Astrology with Ana Maria Pineda

Revitalize. Energize. Empower Your Life.

On Saturday, November 26th 7pm- 9pm: Thankgiving Angel Circle.

Join us for a powerful evening of Gratitude, Appreciation, Expansion and Growth with plenty of Angel Messages and Healing! We will begin with a healing meditation with the Angels and Archangels, and then we will open the circle for angel healing and mini Angel Readings for participants.

Please visit my website for more information

 “To love is to know me, my innermost nature, the truth that I am: through this knowledge one enters at once to my Being.”
--Krishna, Bhagavad Gita 18.55

“...Love is of God, and he who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God; for God is love.”-- St. John, 1 John 4.7-8

 "You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want." – Margaret Young

Quotes with Love from

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~Anais Nin.

New Moon in Libra September 27th, 2011 at 7:09am EST
The new moon phase represents a time for new seeds to be planted, a time to create new beginnings and new goals.  It is also a time when we may be asked by the Universe to shift course, change directions or reset intentions. The Libra new Moon occurs on September 27th, 2011 at 4:09am Pacific/ 5:09am Mountain/ 6:09am Central/ 7:09am EST

Every month at the New Moon, an invitation from the Universe for a new emotional cycle of awareness takes place.  We are given an opportunity to reset out goals and intentions, and consciously expand and grow specific areas of our lives.   

This new moon falls in the sign of Libra, which is diplomatic, idealistic, indecisive, social, charming, fair, beauty, peace-loving and relationship-oriented. Unlike popular believe, Libra is not a sign of balance; it’s a sign seeking for balance. With Venus and Saturn working very close together during this lunation, the focus is on taking responsibility and finding balance in our relationships and more importantly our manner of relating to ourselves and to the people around us.  Saturn is a planet of Karma, in Libra; he brings to our awareness our imbalances in relating to others.  If we consider the possibility that we are all one, then what I do to you…I do to myself.  Now that, is Karma! With the powerful implications of this new moon our intentions in relationship with ourselves and others will play an important part in the evolution of our consciousness.

I would dare say that because this lunation activates the current T-square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, the bigger message being given to us by the Universe is to learn to relate with the whole world, to find and create equilibrium in our relationship with ourselves and with the world.  In essence we are asked to bring harmony to the inner life as well as the outer life, for as within so without, and as above so below.  The challenging T-square with Uranus (the awakener) and Pluto (the transformer) as the mayor players, may test our relationships and we may be asked to awake and let go of someone or something that longer serves our higher purpose and authenticity.

We live in times of change. Time seems to be speeding up, we are being shown at a faster speed the consequences of the use of our energy.  It makes sense that the Universe would be teaching us now to be conscious of our thoughts, words and actions as they are an expression of our energy in the world.  And we are invited to ask ourselves; Am I in going relationship with my thoughts, words and actions? are my thoughts, words and actions a reflection of who I really am? Am I expressing my true and authentic self in my relationship with me and in my relationship with others?

Also, in March of 2011, the nodes entered the Gemini-Sagittarius axis and we began a deep exploration of inner truth and outer truth.  The nodes, among many things, are asking us to be honest with ourselves, to take responsibility for the way we express our energy and live our higher truths in relationships. With the north node squaring Saturn during this lunation, we may find the answers will require some work on our part. And with Venus and Saturn Conjunct in Libra, a sense of Divine justice will be guiding our journey of exploration into the higher meaning and expression of our way of relating to our inner life and the world.

Need more answers? If you would like to explore the meaning of this lunation more deeply, and see what areas of your life are specifically highlighted according to your astrological (natal) chart, please visit my website at to schedule a private reading (available in-person/phone/email/Skype).

Many Blessings,
Ana Maria

New Moon Exercise:

What you’ll need for this exercise:
Quiet and private space for contemplation

Answer the following to yourself.
1. Am I happy with the relationships I have in my life?
2. How’s my relationship with my inner being?
3. Am I meeting my needs/wants/desires? Or do I want someone else to meet them?
4. Is there someone or something I am ready to release from my life?
5. Is there someone I need to forgive?
6. What will it take for me to forgive myself and this person?
7. Am I ready for new relationships?
8. How can I make my current relationships better?
9. How can I create and maintain more stable and loving relationships? With myself and with others?
10. Take steps…however small to begin a new cycle of relationship with yourself and with the world.

©2011-2012 Ana Maria Pineda. All rights reserved.

About Ana Maria: Ana Maria is a natural born intuitive. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue, Akashic Records Consultant, Astrologer, Registered Yoga Teacher, Law of Attraction Coach, Past Life Regression Facilitator, Reiki Master and Meditation Teacher for over 15 years. She uses a combination of all her gifts, skills and knowledge in her practice. She provides workshops, classes and private consultations throughout Florida and the United States. For more information about her work please visit her website at

The new moon phase represents a time for new seeds to be planted, a time to create new beginnings and new goals.  It is also a time when we may be asked by the Universe to shift course, change directions or reset intentions. The Virgo new Moon occurred on Sunday, August 28th 2011 at 8:04pm Pacific/ 9:04pm Mountain/ 10:04pm Central/ 11:04pm Eastern.

Healthy attitudes and routines are emphasized under this new moon.  It is a great time to create a brand new routine for yourself, a routine that supports your overall wellbeing.  This month we are invited to focus on healthy habits, work and service, and the practical aspects of your life such as our ability to function efficiently on a daily basis.  This is also a great time to stop procrastinating, and create positive action steps towards goals that are in alignment with our heart and spirit. In other words, don’t make yourself do something that doesn’t feel right.  We procrastinate when our heart is simply not in it, or when we let the voice of perfectionism come into the foreground of our consciousness. 
Virgo energy at its best is humble, discriminating, serving, and practical and at its worst it is highly critical, worrisome, perfectionistic, self-denying and obsessive-compulsive.  When we strive to be perfect we let go of happiness. We allow ourselves to compare the beauty and uniqueness of our spirit with that of others or an impossible ideal of what we think we should be.  A bamboo tree is just as beautiful as an oak tree; it is diversity that creates beauty.  A whole lifetime can be wasted in waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect day, and the perfect someone.  Your life is right now. Not tomorrow.  Not when you win the lottery or get married or divorced.  Your life is right now, and each breath brings the opportunity to make today the best day yet. 
This new moon also highlights the opportunity to get organized and de-clutter our minds and hearts and perhaps even our homes of all that no longer serves the highest vision of who we now choose to be.  In the true spirit of Virgo energy, donate clothing, books, furniture etc. you haven’t used in the last 6 to 12 months or you simply don’t like to a local Goodwill or homeless shelter.  This new moon invites us to be of service to the greater community and share your resources, time and energy with those who may benefit from your love and light.

Today the new moon trines Pluto in Capricorn, creating a lovely grand Earth trine with Venus and Jupiter, thus creating a highly grounded and practical setting for our new moon goals and intentions. Take advantage of this grounding energy and plant long-term goals and seeds that reflect dependability, consistency, routine and structure to help maintain your goals.  Jupiter goes retrograde this week, bringing an inner focus to our sense of expansion, growth and prosperity.
New moon influences for each Zodiac Sign:

ARIES (Mar. 20 – Apr. 18) This is a wonderful time to focus on your daily habits and routines, to see what works and what doesn’t.  It is also a great time to look for new job opportunities and start a new diet or exercise routine.

TAURUS (Apr. 19 – May 19) Explore your creative self-expression, get a new hobby and do what you love.  Take a dance or cooking class, do something just for the fun of it…Play!

GEMINI (May 20 – Jun. 20).  Spend time with your family and explore intimate ties.  Develop a sense of belonging and increase emotional security by nurturing yourself and rediscover what makes you feel secure in life.
CANCER (Jun 21– Jul. 21).  Special attention to brothers, sisters and close relatives.  Perhaps write an email or letter saying what you need to say from the heart, and don't be overly critical.  Also, great time to learn something new and share what you have learn with a loved one.

LEO (Jul. 22 – Aug. 21) Finances and personal resources are highlighted with this new moon.  Create new financial goals and explore new attitudes towards possessions and inner wealth.

VIRGO (Aug. 22 – Sep. 21) Time to re-create yourself! Express yourself and present yourself in brand new ways. Let people see you for who you really are now not who you use to be.

LIBRA (Sep. 22 – Oct. 22) Free yourself from past-restrictions, unresolved issues and unfinished business.   Face the ghosts from your past, and emerge into a new sense of self. 

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Expand your circle of friends. Get involved in group activities that you are passionate about.  Explore your hopes, wishes and dreams.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 20) This new moon highlights your professional life.  Focus on career, reputation and public life.  You want the job of your dreams? Make it happen!

CAPRICORN (Dec. 21 – Jan. 19) What are you here to do dear Capricorn? What is the purpose of your life? It is time to search for a higher meaning, to explore new horizons and perhaps plan a wonderful vacation with that special someone or even better go on a spiritual quest to find your inner soulmate!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 17) Inner transformation is possible as you explore your intuition and acknowledge your attitudes towards growth and change. Liberate yourself by letting go of what no longer serves you.

PISCES (Feb. 18 – Mar. 19) Partnerships and one-on-one relationships are highlighted. What you seek in others and how others see you is a projection of how you feel about you. True love may come your way as you realize you are your own best friend.
Some sensitive points on our astrological charts with this lunation are: 5 degrees 27 minutes Mutable. If you would like to explore the meaning of this lunation more deeply, and see what areas of your life are specifically highlighted according to your astrological (natal) chart, please visit my website at to schedule a private reading (available in-person/phone/email/Skype).
Many Blessings,
Ana Maria
©2011-2012 Ana Maria Pineda. All rights reserved.

New Moon Exercise:
What you’ll need for this exercise:Paper
en/Pencil/CrayonQuiet and private space for contemplation
Answer the following to yourself.
1. How do I deal with criticism from others?
2. How do I deal with criticism from myself?
3. What if this moment was perfect just as it is? What if I was perfect just as I am? What if everyone around me was perfect just as they are? What would change in my behavior/thoughts/words towards myself? Towards others?
4. What if my life was perfect just as it is? What would change in my behavior/thoughts/words towards myself and others?
5.  What if just for today I would have no complaints? Make it your goal for the remainder of the day to not complaint, not judge or criticize…make it a point to accept life as it is right now, and make the best from where you are.  Practice gratitude, humility and service.
About Ana Maria: Ana Maria is a natural born intuitive. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue, Akashic Records Consultant, Astrologer, Registered Yoga Teacher, Law of Attraction Coach, Past Life Regression Facilitator, Reiki Master and Meditation Teacher for over 10 years. She uses a combination of all her gifts, skills and knowledge in her practice. She provides workshops, classes and private consultations throughout Florida and the United States. For more information about her work please visit her website at
©2011-2012 Ana Maria Pineda. All rights reserved.

From the Tao Te Ching

"When people see some things as beautiful,
other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good,
other things become bad.

Being and non-being create each other.
Difficult and easy support each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low depend on each other.
Before and after follow each other.

Therefore the Master
acts without doing anything
and teaches without saying anything.
Things arise and she lets them come;
things disappear and she lets them go.
She has but doesn't possess,
acts but doesn't expect.
When her work is done, she forgets it.
That is why it lasts forever

Mercury Retrograde
(August 2nd, 2011 to August 26th, 2011) (Shadow period till September 10th, 2011)

Mercury Retrogrades on August 2nd at 11:50pm EDT at 1 degree of Virgo.  When Mercury turns retrograde delays and miscommunications are common, so patience is key.   Also, changing our mind is highly probable during this period so it is not advised to sign new contracts, agreements or important documents and transactions.  This is an ideal time to reflect, plan, review, reorganize, reconsider, reread and redefine. Mercury in Virgo goes retrograde in opposition to Neptune in Pisces, highlighting the need to find outer and inner balance between the demands of our daily life/work/routine and our idealistic, sensitive and dreaming spirit. 

You may at times feel disillusioned by what the outer world shows you, but remember the world projects back to us what we think and feel.  Life mirrors us.  This mercury retrograde gives us the opportunity to redefine our thoughts and emotions in order to manifest a different outcome in our lives.  Thoughts are creative in nature; our thoughts are energy creating our present and future.  What you think about is. What you think and feel about your life and the people around you is.  It is because you say it is. You want a different life? Think differently.  Feel differently.  Choose hope. Choose peace.  Choose to think a better-feeling thought regardless of what life may be like right now.  Because right now is changing, just as your thoughts are changing.  You create your own reality, because reality is a projection of what you think. Let this Mercury Retrograde be an opportunity to re-think and re-define your better-feeling thought at a time.

Many Blessings, Ana Maria

©2011-2012 Ana Maria Pineda. All rights reserved.

Astrology is the study of life cycles, for more information on how this cycle can benefit your life schedule a reading today by visiting
All Private readings available in person/phone/Skype/email.

Saturday, July 30th at 2:40pm EDT
New Moon at 7 degrees Leo 16’
Life is a journey of self-becoming.  Every day brings the opportunity to know ourselves better and to express the higher qualities of the Soul on Earth.  To express the power of our Soul on Earth we must listen to our heart’s true desires. My first Astrology Teacher use to say, that the heart holds the key to one’s life purpose.  The heart never lies. The heart communicates the Soul’s purpose and intention in every moment of everyday through a guiding system of emotions and feelings.  When the heart feels joy and love, it is the Soul letting you know come this way…come this way to your purpose.  When our heart feels fear or anger it is the Soul letting us know we have made a u-turn and it is time to reconnect to our heart’s guiding system.  The journey is long and eternal; the soul is patient for it knows in time the heart will call us home. 
This new moon invites us to listen to our heart.  It invites us to reconnect to our intuitive guiding system.   The time of a new moon is the beginning of a new cycle of awareness.  It is an opportunity to set new beginnings, goals and intentions.  It is a time for renewal and planting of new seeds within our consciousness. It is also a time when we may be asked by the Universe to shift course, change directions or reset intentions.  
This new moon will be in Leo.  Leo represents the Heart Chakra.  It is ruled by the Sun, which represents our center/source/ life force/life’s direction.  This new moon will conjunct Venus (Love/Desire/Value), bringing a powerful message to return to the Heart Chakra, to center our value system on our Soul’s will.  It is about returning our awareness to what truly matters in the Universe-the expression of Unconditional Love and Divine Will.  The Universe/God/All-That-Is is letting us know very clearly that the heart is the key to our life mission and purpose.  It invites us to follow our true joy.
This lunation also squares Jupiter in Taurus.  Bringing awareness of an inner conflict/challenge that requires resolution in regards to making determined/steady steps towards growth and expansion.  Where Jupiter in Aries brought us expansion of new ideas, Jupiter in Taurus invites us to take slow and steady steps towards forward movement in the direction of those ideas/inspirations/Soul’s guidance. Take small steps towards being happy, following your inspiration and living your Soul’s purpose.  Like the old saying “slow and steady wins the race.”
This new moon ultimately invites us to listen to our heart, to embrace our true self (our inner child) and let our Soul play.  Have fun. Laugh more. Smile more. Dance. Sing. Eat your favorite meal. Wear your favorite outfit. Enjoy time with friends and loved one.  Meditate. Reconnect to your Divine Self/Soul. Open to your creativity and inner artist. Color outside the lines. Shine like the sun, bright and free! And above all let the light of your Soul shine through you…through your joy and expressions of love. And let your joy be the light of your heart onto the world.  Make time for joy. Joy is important. Joy is the key to your life mission and purpose.  It always has been and always will be, the answer to finally living the life you know you are meant to live.  Let yourself be happy and free. Open to the joy in each moment…and the next and the next and the next…
If you would like to explore the meaning of this lunation more deeply, and see what areas of your life are specifically highlighted according to your astrological (natal) chart, please visit my website at to schedule a private reading (available in-person/phone/email/skype).
New Moon Exercise:
What you’ll need for this exercise:
Quiet and private space for contemplation
Answer the following to yourself.
1. What makes me happy?
2. What am I passionate about? What inspires me?
3. If I only had 6 weeks to live, what would I do with my time? Who would I spend my time with? What would I regret not doing? What would I absolutely have to do before my time was done?
4. If you chose to, do some (or all) of what you wrote on number 3.  Life has no guarantees, all we have is now.
Many Blessings,
Ana Maria
©2011-2012 Ana Maria Pineda. All rights reserved.

The Blue Bird of Happiness
A Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Sagittarius on
Wednesday, June 15th at 20:14 GMT, 4:14 PM EDT at 24 degrees Sagittarius 23’29"
This lunation activates the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, the quest for wisdom and meaning in our lives. Not only will this lunation conjunct the north node, but it will also conjunct the Galactic Center.  Sagittarius’ arrow is pointing to a higher truth and guiding the way into a higher destiny. 
We are asked to acknowledge the facts and truths we have gathered and find the deeper meaning of our lives.  We are asked to clear the illusions and see the Truth. But what is true in a world overwhelmed with information? What is there to trust when there are so many voices of authority? What is truth? And the greater question we are asked to answer is what is the meaning of your life? No “truth” outside of you can answer that, only you can.
In Buddhist Teachings there is a saying, “If you meet Buddha on the road, kill him” we are asked to stop seeking for answers outside and find the Guru and Teacher within, to trust in our inner wisdom and become the Masters of our life.  We are asked to be the bringers of truth and light to our own expansion of consciousness. Your exploration of life’s meaning and purpose is key now.  Not just as an idea/ideal/ concept but as an actual, conscious everyday choice.
We live in times of great expansion and change.  As the media, internet and technology expands, confusion will be on the rise.  Many may try to keep us asleep, ignoring the truths of our own hearts. However, if we are able to stop and listen beyond the chatter of the World, we will find a quiet, still voice.  A soft and gentle calling, an invitation of sorts to listen to the voice within, to the voice of your Highest Self, guiding you to live the life you intended when you came to Earth…not the life you’ve been shown to live by others. But a life that is true to who you really are.  A life based on freedom, truth and your heart’s true desire, guided by an inner compass that says come this way… this way to true happiness.
On the day I wrote this article, a bird came to my window and sang…I knew it was a sign of the changes to come.  Earth and the Universe are speaking to us, are we listening? We are asked to change our ways, to listen to a higher calling. As Sagittarius points its arrow to destiny and truth, point your consciousness and actions to the destiny and inner calling of your spirit.  The invitation is clear; the blue bird of true happiness has arrived…are you ready for transformation?
The energies of an eclipse are said to last up 6 months after it occurs.  Eclipses are invitations from the Universe, so listen to your life for the invitation this Lunar Eclipse is bringing. Areas of your life or personality that may be highlighted to expand and transform during this Lunar Eclipse:  Truth, Life Purpose, Travel, Freedom, Wisdom, Adaptability, Optimism, Adventure, Education, Beliefs, Faith, Teacher/student relationships, Neighbor relationships, Mentoring, Training, Publishing, Writing, Fun, Teaching and Higher Learning, Law, Religion, Judgments; Justice, Prosperity, Honesty, Joy.  
If you would like to explore the meaning of this lunation more deeply, and see what areas of your life are specifically highlighted according to your astrological (natal) chart, please visit my website at to schedule a private reading (available in-person/phone/email/skype).
Many Blessings,
Ana Maria
 ©2010-2011 Ana Maria Pineda. All rights reserved.

Current Transits

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About Ana Maria

Ana Maria is a natural born intuitive. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue, Akashic Records Consultant, Astrologer, Registered Yoga Teacher, Law of Attraction Coach, Past Life Regression Facilitator, Reiki Master and Meditation Teacher for over 10 years. She uses a combination of all her gifts, skills and knowledge in her practice. She provides workshops, classes and private consultations throughout Florida and the United States. She currently teaches and offers services at various locations in Miami Florida such as Miami-Dade College, Five Sisters, Prana Yoga and Wellbeing Spa-Yoga. Ana Maria is also a writer and artist. Her love of life and passion to be of service are the driving forces behind her work. Her life mission and purpose is to inspire and empower others to find, recognize and trust the Light, Power and Wisdom within. For more information about her work please visit: