Angel Astrology with Ana Maria Pineda

Revitalize. Energize. Empower Your Life.

Mercury Retrograde
(August 2nd, 2011 to August 26th, 2011) (Shadow period till September 10th, 2011)

Mercury Retrogrades on August 2nd at 11:50pm EDT at 1 degree of Virgo.  When Mercury turns retrograde delays and miscommunications are common, so patience is key.   Also, changing our mind is highly probable during this period so it is not advised to sign new contracts, agreements or important documents and transactions.  This is an ideal time to reflect, plan, review, reorganize, reconsider, reread and redefine. Mercury in Virgo goes retrograde in opposition to Neptune in Pisces, highlighting the need to find outer and inner balance between the demands of our daily life/work/routine and our idealistic, sensitive and dreaming spirit. 

You may at times feel disillusioned by what the outer world shows you, but remember the world projects back to us what we think and feel.  Life mirrors us.  This mercury retrograde gives us the opportunity to redefine our thoughts and emotions in order to manifest a different outcome in our lives.  Thoughts are creative in nature; our thoughts are energy creating our present and future.  What you think about is. What you think and feel about your life and the people around you is.  It is because you say it is. You want a different life? Think differently.  Feel differently.  Choose hope. Choose peace.  Choose to think a better-feeling thought regardless of what life may be like right now.  Because right now is changing, just as your thoughts are changing.  You create your own reality, because reality is a projection of what you think. Let this Mercury Retrograde be an opportunity to re-think and re-define your better-feeling thought at a time.

Many Blessings, Ana Maria

©2011-2012 Ana Maria Pineda. All rights reserved.

Astrology is the study of life cycles, for more information on how this cycle can benefit your life schedule a reading today by visiting
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About Ana Maria

Ana Maria is a natural born intuitive. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue, Akashic Records Consultant, Astrologer, Registered Yoga Teacher, Law of Attraction Coach, Past Life Regression Facilitator, Reiki Master and Meditation Teacher for over 10 years. She uses a combination of all her gifts, skills and knowledge in her practice. She provides workshops, classes and private consultations throughout Florida and the United States. She currently teaches and offers services at various locations in Miami Florida such as Miami-Dade College, Five Sisters, Prana Yoga and Wellbeing Spa-Yoga. Ana Maria is also a writer and artist. Her love of life and passion to be of service are the driving forces behind her work. Her life mission and purpose is to inspire and empower others to find, recognize and trust the Light, Power and Wisdom within. For more information about her work please visit: