New Moon in Libra September 27th, 2011 at 7:09am EST
The new moon phase represents a time for new seeds to be planted, a time to create new beginnings and new goals. It is also a time when we may be asked by the Universe to shift course, change directions or reset intentions. The Libra new Moon occurs on September 27th, 2011 at 4:09am Pacific/ 5:09am Mountain/ 6:09am Central/ 7:09am EST
The new moon phase represents a time for new seeds to be planted, a time to create new beginnings and new goals. It is also a time when we may be asked by the Universe to shift course, change directions or reset intentions. The Libra new Moon occurs on September 27th, 2011 at 4:09am Pacific/ 5:09am Mountain/ 6:09am Central/ 7:09am EST
Every month at the New Moon, an invitation from the Universe for a new emotional cycle of awareness takes place. We are given an opportunity to reset out goals and intentions, and consciously expand and grow specific areas of our lives.
This new moon falls in the sign of Libra, which is diplomatic, idealistic, indecisive, social, charming, fair, beauty, peace-loving and relationship-oriented. Unlike popular believe, Libra is not a sign of balance; it’s a sign seeking for balance. With Venus and Saturn working very close together during this lunation, the focus is on taking responsibility and finding balance in our relationships and more importantly our manner of relating to ourselves and to the people around us. Saturn is a planet of Karma, in Libra; he brings to our awareness our imbalances in relating to others. If we consider the possibility that we are all one, then what I do to you…I do to myself. Now that, is Karma! With the powerful implications of this new moon our intentions in relationship with ourselves and others will play an important part in the evolution of our consciousness.
I would dare say that because this lunation activates the current T-square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, the bigger message being given to us by the Universe is to learn to relate with the whole world, to find and create equilibrium in our relationship with ourselves and with the world. In essence we are asked to bring harmony to the inner life as well as the outer life, for as within so without, and as above so below. The challenging T-square with Uranus (the awakener) and Pluto (the transformer) as the mayor players, may test our relationships and we may be asked to awake and let go of someone or something that longer serves our higher purpose and authenticity.
We live in times of change. Time seems to be speeding up, we are being shown at a faster speed the consequences of the use of our energy. It makes sense that the Universe would be teaching us now to be conscious of our thoughts, words and actions as they are an expression of our energy in the world. And we are invited to ask ourselves; Am I in going relationship with my thoughts, words and actions? are my thoughts, words and actions a reflection of who I really am? Am I expressing my true and authentic self in my relationship with me and in my relationship with others?
Also, in March of 2011, the nodes entered the Gemini-Sagittarius axis and we began a deep exploration of inner truth and outer truth. The nodes, among many things, are asking us to be honest with ourselves, to take responsibility for the way we express our energy and live our higher truths in relationships. With the north node squaring Saturn during this lunation, we may find the answers will require some work on our part. And with Venus and Saturn Conjunct in Libra, a sense of Divine justice will be guiding our journey of exploration into the higher meaning and expression of our way of relating to our inner life and the world.
Need more answers? If you would like to explore the meaning of this lunation more deeply, and see what areas of your life are specifically highlighted according to your astrological (natal) chart, please visit my website at to schedule a private reading (available in-person/phone/email/Skype).
Many Blessings,
Ana Maria
Ana Maria
New Moon Exercise:
What you’ll need for this exercise:
Quiet and private space for contemplation
Quiet and private space for contemplation
Answer the following to yourself.
1. Am I happy with the relationships I have in my life?
2. How’s my relationship with my inner being?
3. Am I meeting my needs/wants/desires? Or do I want someone else to meet them?
4. Is there someone or something I am ready to release from my life?
5. Is there someone I need to forgive?
6. What will it take for me to forgive myself and this person?
7. Am I ready for new relationships?
8. How can I make my current relationships better?
9. How can I create and maintain more stable and loving relationships? With myself and with others?
10. Take steps…however small to begin a new cycle of relationship with yourself and with the world.
Answer the following to yourself.
1. Am I happy with the relationships I have in my life?
2. How’s my relationship with my inner being?
3. Am I meeting my needs/wants/desires? Or do I want someone else to meet them?
4. Is there someone or something I am ready to release from my life?
5. Is there someone I need to forgive?
6. What will it take for me to forgive myself and this person?
7. Am I ready for new relationships?
8. How can I make my current relationships better?
9. How can I create and maintain more stable and loving relationships? With myself and with others?
10. Take steps…however small to begin a new cycle of relationship with yourself and with the world.
©2011-2012 Ana Maria Pineda. All rights reserved.
About Ana Maria: Ana Maria is a natural born intuitive. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue, Akashic Records Consultant, Astrologer, Registered Yoga Teacher, Law of Attraction Coach, Past Life Regression Facilitator, Reiki Master and Meditation Teacher for over 15 years. She uses a combination of all her gifts, skills and knowledge in her practice. She provides workshops, classes and private consultations throughout Florida and the United States. For more information about her work please visit her website at