Angel Astrology with Ana Maria Pineda

Revitalize. Energize. Empower Your Life.

New Moon in Taurus
What I love about Astrology is that it is a science and a path of self awareness.  As the sun came into Taurus this past month, I began to feel a deeper need to take care of my body, to nourish it and befriend it.  Now, as the new moon approaches I understand the importance of setting new goals and planting new seeds in my relationship with my body.  For each of us, how we reflect the power of the cosmos is a very personal journey.  My personal journey today is to welcome the gifts of this new moon toward a path of better health and body awareness. 
My Teacher once said we have all 12 signs within us.  I believe this to be true, as we are made in the image of the Universe, we carry within us each of the signs and planets.  The energy of Taurus is manifested in our thoughts, words and actions.  I invite you to explore your relationship with the Taurus energy in your life today, but first a little bit about Taurean energy.
 Taurus is a feminine, fixed, Earth sign.  Taurus is receptive, enduring, consistent, resourceful, fruitful, conservative, sensual and stubborn.  Taurus is the senses.  Taurus is about what we value in life, so it can be self-indulgent and have uncontrollable appetites from the material to the sensual.  Taurus can also fear change, because it seeks a stable and reliable environment within themselves and their surroundings.  Taurus is passive and slow to change. Taurus loves nature, beauty and above all security.  
To begin to explore Taurus within ourselves, we must explore our concepts of what stability truly is.  We must examine what is stable in our lives? What causes us to feel secure? What is security to you?  For many of us, security is about having shelter, food, money and love.  However, there are times in our lives when one or more of these are not available. And so what remains that is truly stable? And secure? What is truly reliable? These are not easy questions to answer but nevertheless, these questions take us through a journey of self exploration and awareness.
Taurus is also physical and sensual.  It awakens our consciousness of the physical senses, and how we take joy through our senses.  Explore what brings joy to your senses during this new moon period.  Find joy in smelling a bouquet of flowers, or tasting a delicious, healthy meal.  Nourish the body and provide it with loving support.  Befriend your body, your senses and let the exploration of your own Taurean energy take you to a place of better understanding of the Universe that lives within you.
New Moon Exercise:
Write down an intention/goal/wish for the month in the Taurus vibration, an intention that will help you release fear of change, and help you find security and stability. The Universe always answers all your requests. Happy New Moon!
Many Blessings, Ana Maria
©2010-2011 Ana Maria Pineda. All rights reserved.
Astrology is the study of cycles, for more information on how this cycle can influence you consult your Astrologer by visiting  Private readings available in person/phone/Skype/email.

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About Ana Maria

Ana Maria is a natural born intuitive. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue, Akashic Records Consultant, Astrologer, Registered Yoga Teacher, Law of Attraction Coach, Past Life Regression Facilitator, Reiki Master and Meditation Teacher for over 10 years. She uses a combination of all her gifts, skills and knowledge in her practice. She provides workshops, classes and private consultations throughout Florida and the United States. She currently teaches and offers services at various locations in Miami Florida such as Miami-Dade College, Five Sisters, Prana Yoga and Wellbeing Spa-Yoga. Ana Maria is also a writer and artist. Her love of life and passion to be of service are the driving forces behind her work. Her life mission and purpose is to inspire and empower others to find, recognize and trust the Light, Power and Wisdom within. For more information about her work please visit: