Make Peace with where you are. Make peace with your life. Make peace with your work. Make peace with your family, friends and loved ones. Make peace with your mind. Make peace with your heart and body. Make peace with your struggles, with your pain, with your bills. Make peace with where you are. Make Peace and Allow Peace. Stop struggling with the present or thinking about the past and what could have been. All you have is right now. Right now. This very moment. So in this moment choose peace. Take a moment to take a few relaxing breaths and allow the peace you are choosing to settle in your body, heart, mind and spirit. I now choose peace. I now allow peace. I am now at peace with me and the world.
Know that peace is yours now. Know that change can and is coming to you now. Asking is enough. The Universe knows you and what you want. It may not happen overnight but it can and it will happen. The more you allow yourself to trust that asking is enough, the more the Universe will respond to your trust and the new reality that you are choosing with your new thought will be real and it will be so, because it is so the moment you ask, release and trust.
Many Blessings!
Ana Maria
Ana Maria