Angel Astrology with Ana Maria Pineda

Revitalize. Energize. Empower Your Life.

Saturday, July 30th at 2:40pm EDT
New Moon at 7 degrees Leo 16’
Life is a journey of self-becoming.  Every day brings the opportunity to know ourselves better and to express the higher qualities of the Soul on Earth.  To express the power of our Soul on Earth we must listen to our heart’s true desires. My first Astrology Teacher use to say, that the heart holds the key to one’s life purpose.  The heart never lies. The heart communicates the Soul’s purpose and intention in every moment of everyday through a guiding system of emotions and feelings.  When the heart feels joy and love, it is the Soul letting you know come this way…come this way to your purpose.  When our heart feels fear or anger it is the Soul letting us know we have made a u-turn and it is time to reconnect to our heart’s guiding system.  The journey is long and eternal; the soul is patient for it knows in time the heart will call us home. 
This new moon invites us to listen to our heart.  It invites us to reconnect to our intuitive guiding system.   The time of a new moon is the beginning of a new cycle of awareness.  It is an opportunity to set new beginnings, goals and intentions.  It is a time for renewal and planting of new seeds within our consciousness. It is also a time when we may be asked by the Universe to shift course, change directions or reset intentions.  
This new moon will be in Leo.  Leo represents the Heart Chakra.  It is ruled by the Sun, which represents our center/source/ life force/life’s direction.  This new moon will conjunct Venus (Love/Desire/Value), bringing a powerful message to return to the Heart Chakra, to center our value system on our Soul’s will.  It is about returning our awareness to what truly matters in the Universe-the expression of Unconditional Love and Divine Will.  The Universe/God/All-That-Is is letting us know very clearly that the heart is the key to our life mission and purpose.  It invites us to follow our true joy.
This lunation also squares Jupiter in Taurus.  Bringing awareness of an inner conflict/challenge that requires resolution in regards to making determined/steady steps towards growth and expansion.  Where Jupiter in Aries brought us expansion of new ideas, Jupiter in Taurus invites us to take slow and steady steps towards forward movement in the direction of those ideas/inspirations/Soul’s guidance. Take small steps towards being happy, following your inspiration and living your Soul’s purpose.  Like the old saying “slow and steady wins the race.”
This new moon ultimately invites us to listen to our heart, to embrace our true self (our inner child) and let our Soul play.  Have fun. Laugh more. Smile more. Dance. Sing. Eat your favorite meal. Wear your favorite outfit. Enjoy time with friends and loved one.  Meditate. Reconnect to your Divine Self/Soul. Open to your creativity and inner artist. Color outside the lines. Shine like the sun, bright and free! And above all let the light of your Soul shine through you…through your joy and expressions of love. And let your joy be the light of your heart onto the world.  Make time for joy. Joy is important. Joy is the key to your life mission and purpose.  It always has been and always will be, the answer to finally living the life you know you are meant to live.  Let yourself be happy and free. Open to the joy in each moment…and the next and the next and the next…
If you would like to explore the meaning of this lunation more deeply, and see what areas of your life are specifically highlighted according to your astrological (natal) chart, please visit my website at to schedule a private reading (available in-person/phone/email/skype).
New Moon Exercise:
What you’ll need for this exercise:
Quiet and private space for contemplation
Answer the following to yourself.
1. What makes me happy?
2. What am I passionate about? What inspires me?
3. If I only had 6 weeks to live, what would I do with my time? Who would I spend my time with? What would I regret not doing? What would I absolutely have to do before my time was done?
4. If you chose to, do some (or all) of what you wrote on number 3.  Life has no guarantees, all we have is now.
Many Blessings,
Ana Maria
©2011-2012 Ana Maria Pineda. All rights reserved.

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About Ana Maria

Ana Maria is a natural born intuitive. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue, Akashic Records Consultant, Astrologer, Registered Yoga Teacher, Law of Attraction Coach, Past Life Regression Facilitator, Reiki Master and Meditation Teacher for over 10 years. She uses a combination of all her gifts, skills and knowledge in her practice. She provides workshops, classes and private consultations throughout Florida and the United States. She currently teaches and offers services at various locations in Miami Florida such as Miami-Dade College, Five Sisters, Prana Yoga and Wellbeing Spa-Yoga. Ana Maria is also a writer and artist. Her love of life and passion to be of service are the driving forces behind her work. Her life mission and purpose is to inspire and empower others to find, recognize and trust the Light, Power and Wisdom within. For more information about her work please visit: